What do you think of this power cord?

Maze Audio is a family-owned company that states it hand-makes its cables in the US.  There is a range of prices for power cables, but I was looking at this entry cable.  I don’t see any mention of the metal used in the cables, but I don’t know if that is as crucial for power cables as for interconnects.  I am interested in your opinions.  Thanks.

"....According to the cable company, the longer the power cord, the better...."

Do you really believe that?
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Maze Audio REF4 is a very good power cord in terms of materials, design and build quality, making it a very good value. It is comparable to cords costing four times as much. The reason? Buying directly from the manufacturer. And it will get you at least 2/3 of the way toward the sound quality of the “insanely expensive” cables such Shunyata. I use both in my system. 
I also like the Signal Cables Silver Reference ($250 with upgraded Furutech connectors.) That one replaced the PS Audio AC-12 power cord that costs $1,000.
I made my way to the breaker box in my garage (whew!).  The breaker for the room where my stereo system is located is a 15 amp breaker.  Most of the outlets in my house are on 15 amp breakers.

One thing I should tell you is that my house was built in the mid-50’s and had the two prong outlets without the opening for the ground.  When an electrician was doing some other work, I asked him about getting grounding receptacles in place of the original ones, so that I wouldn’t need to use those adapters.  He told me that it would be expensive to re-wire the house but that I could still install the three prong receptacles if he replaced the existing circuit breakers with appropriate breakers.  Thus, I wouldn’t have grounded outlets but it would be legal and safe to do it that way.  So we did.  Thus, I do not actually have grounded outlets.

Neither do I have a power conditioner.  I have two Furman power strips that all my equipment, including a large TV, are plugged into.  Every spot on the strips is in use and I could use more.  I could check to see how expensive it would be to have two dedicated outlets installed, if that would help given my current situation.  My understanding is that the dedicated outlets could be grounded, right?
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