I see jjss49 has activated the bat beam.
Phono noise is tough because its everywhere and so all you can do is try and track it down. In this case the OP seems to have narrowed it down to the phono stage and even understands the designer is happy with selling a poorly shielded phono stage. Well it probably sounds good on a test bench, just not in the real world.
So the problem we think is EMI from adjacent components. You could redesign it to be properly shielded, or put the whole thing in a Faraday cage. I'd go with the Faraday cage. Search around, buy your fabric, ground it, wrap it around the phono stage, see how it works.
What this does, the magnetic fields that are inducing hum in the stage hit the fabric and induce current in that instead, only now its harmlessly shunted to ground. As a bonus the phono stage will probably sound even better than it did before. Because stray EMI is everywhere, just not usually strong or obvious enough to bother. Might be this will work even if just used as a blanket with the phono stage placed on top. Might be something even simpler like a sheet of aluminum foil connected to ground and the phono stage on that. All these are variations on a Faraday cage.
Tune in next week when we will discuss where the offending EMI came from. Same bat time. Same bat channel.
Phono noise is tough because its everywhere and so all you can do is try and track it down. In this case the OP seems to have narrowed it down to the phono stage and even understands the designer is happy with selling a poorly shielded phono stage. Well it probably sounds good on a test bench, just not in the real world.
So the problem we think is EMI from adjacent components. You could redesign it to be properly shielded, or put the whole thing in a Faraday cage. I'd go with the Faraday cage. Search around, buy your fabric, ground it, wrap it around the phono stage, see how it works.
What this does, the magnetic fields that are inducing hum in the stage hit the fabric and induce current in that instead, only now its harmlessly shunted to ground. As a bonus the phono stage will probably sound even better than it did before. Because stray EMI is everywhere, just not usually strong or obvious enough to bother. Might be this will work even if just used as a blanket with the phono stage placed on top. Might be something even simpler like a sheet of aluminum foil connected to ground and the phono stage on that. All these are variations on a Faraday cage.
Tune in next week when we will discuss where the offending EMI came from. Same bat time. Same bat channel.