UPDATE : Upgrading to 38 " Golden Strings"
I add today 8 new lava strings of 2 feet lenght each one...
My grid od "golden strings" is located between my head and the speakers in an irregular/regular array...
Ears and intuition works well together indeed...
Only you ears can advise you? who else? No room is the same, every different content has his own acoustic properties, the furniture is different because of his materials composition, form, and location, and the room geometry is different, and the location of the different audio system will be also different... How can you use a gross rule pre-establish by a computer equation that ignores all that and base his calculus only on some pre-selected frequencies nodes ? And many "specialist" goe with the rules, it is more effficient when you have no time and many customers waiting...
Ok my rant is over....
This addition gives me more of the same: more claity, imaging, soundspace and dynamic...
Do you know what the word "flabbergast" means?
I am....
I go back to heaven....