Must Hear Speakers in $10K range

Looking for ideas, but imaging and soundstaging is important to me as well as good low end response.
Since no-one mentioned them I will. You might also want to consider big Soundlabs. They can be had used for well under $10k and can sound incredible with the right amplification. Need enough room though to sound their best.
Some really like Atma-Sphere amps with them, and Viva. Others use big Rowlands or something like that.
Avalon Eidolons
Green Mountain Audio Callisto
Thiel 3.7's
Rockport Mira
Wilson Sophia II
Those Avalons look like they're 6-8ft out into the room, though thats a guess on my part. I've heard no better soundstage or pristine imaging than from Audio Physic. To show their virtues they prefer to be out into the room somewhat in a near-field setup. New Virgos are probably a touch south of $10k. Otherwise, consider speakers with a narrow baffle.
I would throw the Ridge Street Sason's as one of the speakers to hear
There's not much press on these lately not sure why
They are great speakers