Kt88 or 6550 tube for McIntosh MC275


I have a MC275 comes with original McIntosh KT88 tubes.  I am wondering if it is worthwhile to try other and what to try.  First question is, do I need a match quad?  Or I can get away with two matches pairs?  If I need matched quad, then it seems my only option is to get new production tubes as the NOS matched quads are very expensive.

For new production, I did some research.  It seems people prefer KT88 over 6550.  And the two brands for recommended are SED and Genalex Gold Lion reissue.  Are they better than the stock McIntosh tube?  Or should I save money and upgrade my other component such as my DAC or adding a preamp first?

painful ignorance on display in this thread, coupled with bravado and confidence

oldhyvme - don't waste your breath

The McIntosh branded tubes in the MC275 IV, are JJ tubes with McIntosh name on them. They are nothing special.  Most of the Mac owners get the Gold Lion KT88 as replacements.  There seems to be a consensus that the GL tubes are the best sounding in the Mac. 
oldhyvmec - don’t waste your breath!


Well OP is getting 2 cents worth. I was glad to help, If I did, or not, I’m not sure. Golden Lyons? WOW. I picked up two matched sets of KT77 (sixtets), I had a set of NOS Volvo, Red Rubies, and EH fat bottle and Slim Jims EVERYONE outperformed the Golden Lyons.  I had failure to top it off, with the GL.

Golden Lyon are within 10%, the Red Rubies and both EH types were within 5%.. The GLs were 30-100% more expensive... ????

Solvex are great for the ol 275s, Better than JJs sonicly.

You know I noticed the post number 1000.
Quit the little chatterbox aren't I...
Now I need a raise, this job has some serious wage issues. :-)
