Revel Salon2 vs Wilson Sasha

I'm interested in impressions from people who have auditioned both. Not really looking for what is 'better' (as it's all subjective anyway), but more for characteristics of each, where they are similar, where they differ, etc.
I have Aerial Mod 9's with Ayre MX-R, but considering moving to SalonII's after auditioning last week. I spoke to a former Revel dealer who thought the Sasha's were a clear winner (I've not heard). I was also considering different amps if I went Salon's and Voice2 center ...Levinson 533H, Pass X350.5, McIntosh MC303. Help on speakers and amps please.
Both speakers are very good. I have Salon 2s. I also like the Sashas.

I can listen to the Salon's all day without any fatigue. I drive them with ARC. Very pleased.

I think it will (yet again) essentially boils down to careful system matching.
Earlier this year, I accompanied my brother to rebuild his system. I got him to use my out-going Magico V3, but after 2months, he just wasn't too happy with the result, noting simply not enough juice for his Ref.150 to get the V3 to fully open up and get the bass going right.

So on we go a shopping spree..
Four different dealers, four different set-ups (within his budget) were scrutinized over a period of two weeks.

Results, in order of our preferences were :
1) Sasha (ARC Ref gears)
2) B&W 800D (Mark Levison)
3) Thiel 3.7 (All Mac Intosh)
4) Revel Salon2 (Krell Evo series)

Naturally, he came away buying the Sasha + the complete set of ARC Ref electronics--CD8, Ref.5, Ref.150, Siltech cabling, plus few Shunyata pc's. He was/is still elated with his new system, and I must say that it sounded very good!
In short, within the above system context, Sasha sounded the most balanced, full and alive, whereas to our ears, the Revel were a 'tad' tilted up at top, thin and lifeless.

However, a caveat, had all these been demo'ed under one roof where to mix and match components is a possibility, it might have resulted in different outcomes. But hey, isn't a dealer suppose to showcase their equipments at best (although admittedly, limited by brands they represent).
Amazing how one could read this thread and note no correlation between the preferences expressed. Not that this thread is any different than so many others on this forum.

When choosing very costly speakers, like in the $20K+ range, you eventually must listen for yourself, multiple times in different venues. Carry your own music. You may have to travel to hear them. (I did, to hear two of my alternatives.) I also recommend talking to the factory and getting listening venue recommendations from them. You'd be surprised how helpful they can be. (And if they're not I'd forget that brand.)

And unless $20K+ is not a significant sum of money for you, or you've artificially limited the field by biases, the decision process may not be easy. I agonized over the Sound Labs, and I still wonder if I should have chose them. I thought long and hard about the Linkwitz Orions too. Interesting how those choices aren't even mentioned in this thread, and I was so dismissive of the ones that are mentioned (after hearing them).

It seems like asking for advice about expensive speakers is about as effective as asking for advice about a mate. ;-)
Nice set up your brother selected. I have actually listened to that same combo and felt it was a super system. Very musical ensemble for sure.
