Cable comparison charts?

I see 18 interconnect  Audioquest cables, I see 8 different IC Cardas cables.  Are there any charts showing the differences between the cables without going through each spec sheet one by one?  Am I missing something or are they making it hard on purpose?

I would really like to know when the chart shows that there is NO difference between ANY cables!
Or how about any info showing induced noise performance.
Maybe we should start a GoFundMe site establishing a grant program to provide a $100 AC cable to deserving applicants. You must be an audiophile and you must be unable to afford such an item. I bet AQ would participate. Skeptics will show that AQ actually made the cables for less than $2 ea. and we're all making off like bandits.
Why do people think they can measure everything,.....
We don't even know what gravity is made,........

I don't know why people think they can measure everything, but I am glad some do.   As to gravity,  we know exactly what it is.  It is the curvature of Spacetime.
One extremely good sounding speaker cable that you can try for an extended period Of time with free returns is Anticables Level 3.1’s.  They are quite magical sounding at any price...liquid, dynamic, extended and complex with a glorious midrange!