Oppo 103D streaming issues

I use my Oppo for DVD's of course, and also for streaming from Youtube. Lately I have had a problem with the video locking up while streaming. The only way to cure the problem is to turn it off and back on again. Naturally when I do that I lose my spot in the video I was watching. I know it's the Oppo because when I bypass it and use the browser built into my TV it works fine. Since the Oppo output goes to my 2 channel system, I prefer to use that over the TV. Any thoughts on what may be causing the problem? Hint: It's not my internet speed!
Here's an update: The problem still exists. Are there any alternatives to the Oppo for Blue Ray DVD playback and streaming?
Not sure if this helps, but I use the Roku for video streaming.


which also supports HDR (High Dynamic Range) available with modern sets. The apps/channels stay current and have the widest support.

Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Anime, Sling, you name it.

I use the Oppo 103 strictly for BD and DVD playback, and have no issues there.
An update: I recently purchased a network switch which allows me to hard wire the Oppo as opposed to using wifi. I still have issues streaming Youtube. It always hesitates during any opening commercial and sometimes wil freeze up during a video. The only way to start it is to turn it off and start over. Netflix, Vudu and other services seem to be fine. Also, I have no problem streaming Youtube on my computer, just on the Oppo. Anyone else have this issue?