CD Player vs. music streaming

Dear audiophiles:

I am in the cross road for the media choice.  My CD player suffered from abnormal tray movement and consider to replace a new one (maybe the 2nd hand one).  But on last Sunday, I paid a visit to the audio show and find out there are showing many streaming player of the famous brands with  the price range of US$ 5000~20,000.  I feel the sound is not bad with short listening. 

I am thinking about my situation once more, if I buy a HI-Fi CD player, the price might equal to the audio streamer.  Then, if I choose the CD player, I would keep on buying CD. But if I give up CD player and replace it with a audio streamer, my expense might be the monthly subscription expense which cost a CD or so.  Besides,
my kids have no interest in classical music appreciation. There is no meaning for me to keep on buying CD. When I  am passed away, the CD are useless...without not penny. 

Under such kind of   consideration, should I stay in CD player or should I switch to music streamer. 
Any good opinion?
Furthermore, at the last show I attended (back in Sep 2019), virtually every exhibitor was using some form of streaming.

another sign the cd player thing is near dead,
Us few remaining old faithful audiophiles must havea  hard drive cd player, 
Streaming will not work for us..
I've spent $$$$ building up my 300-400 classical cd collection, and not about to jump ship for streaming. 
Sorry the experience is not the same.
But in this cv19 world, maybe streaming is  all most newbies can afford. 
Hifi audio will take a  hit from this cv19 thingy.
I;'ll be adding a 2nd hifi cd player next month. 
That will give me 2 super high fidelity cdp's.
Why are some folks so anti-streaming?
Is it the $ ? (each month) I suppose for some maybe it is.

Which is fine if you don’t see the value in streaming keep playing your CD collection and or vinyl collection, it’s okay.

The amount of music available streaming to me is just amazing.
its like New Record Day each time you listen.


which cd player do you currently own?
Which cd player will you add to the collection next month?

Happy Listening!
I wonder why the fuss about streaming vs CDs. Sonically, assuming comparable equipment, the difference is not great.  For me it’s a Lifestyle issue.  If you are tired of storing thousands of CDs, or changing a disc every hour or so, or if you have a streaming service that fills your needs, go for it.  Otoh, I listen primarily to Classical, and sometimes it’s easier to find the music I want by reaching on the shelves than trying to figure out where in my streaming library the music is hidden.  And my CDP doesn’t require me to update before I can listen, and it isn’t dependent upon a frequently crashing web site for access 
2 bits:
dumbfounded by the gobbledy gook techno speak required to approach streaming, nonetheless I journeyed to a high end crazy money dealer near Juneau to listen to a good streamer, and he commenced to fumbling with his streamer/tablet [he was not wearing his mittens] and I had my audio geek epiphany: I am not going into streaming ever.
Maybe a very good streamer system can stomp my Naim CDS3/XPS2 which is on the same level musically as was my old toe tapping LP12/Ekos/Archiv/Mana, but I switched to CD for its greater convenience. ANY CD player is FAR easier to run than any LP or streamer system and with CDs so cheap, CDs are way more cost effective.