What's going on with Synergistic Research fuses?

I live in California and a couple of weeks ago we had strange lightning storms that started the many fires burning in the State.  It also fried the fuse in my Pass XA30.5.  I got the amp second hand and it came with a SR Blue fuse.  I called Pass and they recommended a very cheap fuse which I ordered and installed.  Because I was curious, I took the SR sticker off the old burnt out fuse and found that it was a very cheap SIBA brand fuse underneath.  It is clear that SR is either not making the ceramic casing for this fuse or using the SIBA fuse and then doing stuff to it.  At the very worst, it's just slapping a sticker on it and charging a ton more

The thing is, I'm pretty sure I could hear a difference for the worse when I installed the cheap glass fuse post lightning storm.  Could it be that SR is modifying an existing fuse to make it sound better?  Maybe some more technically minded folks here on the forum could help me understand

You must be new to all of this. For the umpteenth time, there are some manufacturers who install "boutique" fuses in their gear. Go and peruse the archives on this. 

This is getting boring, having to go over the same topic, again and again.
To take the low road with the cheap shot that people are delusional  and gullible shows there's no more argument left for you.

If you haven't tried it, then you simply don't know.

All the best,
Exactly, boring going over the same pixie dust with no engineering basis.
And I have tried it, many times.
You are either from another planet, or have bionic ears.
You're just another victim of expectation bias. Something taken for granted all these years turns out to be wrong and misunderstood, only to have the die hard cultists cling to their electricians bibles and chant that it cannot be so and refuse to even try it for themselves.

That's where progress stops and dies.

All the best,
Only one proof for all this:

Double blind test.....

None exists.

All the best to u too.

Do you believe that power cords make a difference?  If your answer is yes then apply the same logic about the manufacturers and see how unconvincing you sound. If your answer is no, then...
By the way, science progresses only when people are willing to challenge the established knowledge of the era, whether it is flat earth or gravity. You are no smarter than anybody else, you are just more stubborn. You think your engineering theories are immutable and that we should suspend reality to fit them. It doesn’t work that way. I didn’t think a fuse could change the sound of my amp either, but yet it did. So no amount of theories can change that. It is what it is. Let’s agree to disagree if you cannot hear it in your system.