Bowers & Wilkins - B&W

I am trying to buy a set of CM9's with the matching center but paying full retail really isn't my idea of a deal. Any idea of how I can get a better deal?
Everyone that has responded, Thank You! I hope I will be able to use your advise in one way shape or form to get what I call a deal. I agree with the used comment that was made but either I am a lousy searcher or I just haven't found a set on here as of yet.

I suppose I will keep my fingers crossed and hope something comes up.

I'd like to apologize to Blackmsport and to industry people on this forum. It seems that Blackmsport understood me to say that I would get him a discount from B&W. I don't know anyone at B&W and As most of you know, to get a discount, you typically have to sign something that the item is for your personal use and you will not sell the item for 1 year or more. I shouldn't have mentioned this as I could not tell a manufacturer that it was for me nor ask someone else to jeopardize relationships for me.
Sorry to all, Tim
Part of the 'deal' is that the store is still there next year to support an active customer base.
People shopping price kills margins and can eventually run a store out of business.
For the small amount I buy, I'm quite content with the 'deal' I get at my local guys. And boy, do they have a selection in no less than 9 rooms.
Just don't expect 15% or even less, as a reduction.
But they'll be there for years to come.
Magfan, I hear ya and I appreciate what you're saying. That's why in my post above, at least I'm honorable enough NOT to be a schnorer and have the chutzpadic to take up the valuable time of an audio salesperson and then go elsewhere to buy for price.

I am also sympathetic about the tough marketplace, especially when equipment as a stand-alone item is fungible. Let's face it, an ARC Ref 5 is the same Ref 5 regardless of where you buy it. However, as you said, and I agree, a good store supports their customers. And part and parcel is the service and advice.

Unfortunately, I have Cadillac tastes but can't afford the latest and newest best stuff coming out. For example, all of my electronic gear is late model ARC, from Phono Pre to amp. The stuff sounds great! Believe me, if I could, I would love it if I could swap out my current stuff and drop in a Ref 5, Ref Phono 2 and new Ref 150.

So . . . what I do, as I said above, is pick the pre owned and demos of the next to most recent top of the line models, like the Ref 3, PH-7 Phono Pre, CD-7 Ref CDP, and so forth. Through careful shopping, I estimate that I'm able to source my gear for about 40% off original list.

In short, the gear sounds great. And, because it's high quality stuff, so far I've been very lucky as far as reliability and sonic performance. Well, at least I have a method to my madeness.

BTW, sorry to wax philosophical, but IMHO, people who buy like me DO support high end RETAIL audio stores. Think about it -- because of people who share my buying appraoch, there is an active secondary market for used equipment. Heck, I've bought and sold 3 preamp before settling on my Ref 3. I was only able to do that because of on line forums like A'gon.

The same applies to retail. If I was inclined to pay retail or maybe retail, minus 10%, I personally would be incentivized to take the leap knowing that if I wanted to bail and move up to something else, there's a secondary market created and supported by people like me to help that retail customer effect the next sale. So, both the customer and the high end audio store benefit.

My 2 cents worth.