Any 5a owners?

Well, I am a convert! Johnnie Rutan spent time with us last Friday, and we ordered a pair. One problem-the looooong wait for delivery. I am sure, however, that we made the right call, and the wait will be worth the agony. Had considered Focals, but in the end Vandersteen ruled.
Congratulations !!! Vandersteens are wonderfully musical speakers, and you should really enjoy them. Do a search here on Audiogon. There are lots and lots of threads about Vandy's, and many, many happy owners. Happy Listening !
John loves and respects Vandersteen speakers and really knows how to get them to sing. Nice Guy too.
John is a great guy (even if he hasnt got back to me) hint hint my friend. OK jokes aside your gonna love thise 5A speakers, congrats!
I bought 5a off John and I never regreted it, he takes care of his customers and the speakers where wonderful had them for many years. He is also one of the best people to set them up which is equally important.