Length of speaker cables

I just went from 2 channel amp to mono blocks. Is it important that I stop using 4 meter audio quest rocket 88 and downsize to 6 ft? Will there be an audible improvement?
Responding to "" a_shah's post above, specifically ""I don’t like cables that seem to be used as tone control that is what I found with Silver ( bright) or silver gold alloy"".

Ask yourself ""Are the Speaker Cables somehow changing the Frequenc
y & Sheen of the sound, or just Passing Along  ""the Frequency & Sheen of the sound"", that is presented to them from your upstream electronics?

I say the latter is likely the truth, think about it.

All Low Fidelity systems that I have heard lack the Sheen presented by Cymbals; with many exaggerating the Bass through tone controls. 

Another Canare 4S11 fan here, if you can run them bare or terminate them yourself they are only $1.28 per foot from Redco definitely worth a try. I'm not sure if they offer termination service but check their website.
First of all, the quote from Richard Vandersteen is absolutely correct. This is my experience. I went from 15' to 8' of the same Rocket 88 speaker cable and found a slight, but noticeable difference in details against a black background.  Psychoacoustics?  Possibly... But the real change came from replacing Rocket 88 and moving up to William Tell ZERO in 8' length.  That opened everything up, considerably.  eagleeye7 describes it exactly correct, just above.
It's an expensive upgrade, but if you are placing plenty of your money into mono block amplifiers than don't stop there. Feed them the signal that will yield the best results.  This also includes high quality power cables, if you don't already have them.  Note; William Tell ZERO is a full-range speaker cable.  If you are running bi-wire than you would need to buy the bi-wire combo setup.  It's very expensive.  I went with the full-range William Tell ZERO after coming from my bi-wire Rocket 88.  Man, it is awesome!
Best to you. 
Though the OP doesn't have to go as far up the AQ chain to achieve higher resolution, I would personally opt for the William Tell's, as it would be the end of a chase.
Don't believe me? 
PM ctsooner, or audioconnection (John Rutan)- the latter can give you the best info on cables-PERIOD
I am using Kimber Summit Series  Bifocal XL 2.0 Meters each terminated with WBT610 CU Banana Connectors. Part #  BFXL2.0MP0610Cu
Between my monoblocks and my speakers which accept this connector and they split the Hi Frequency & Lo Frequency.  Extremely nice.
Check them out:  https://www.kimber.com/customize/BIFOCAL-XL
Nearly any length you wish....I wouldn't make mine any longer.
Best, Steve