LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality

After doing some research I found  Littlefuse sells  AUDIO/MEDICAL quality fuses  Series 285 
they are all slo-blow, buy come in various sizes including  5x20 

With the cost being less than $10, has anybody tried these over $100 "Audiophile" brands?
From the person who said this:
Plus, silver oxidizes/tarnishes very quickly where exposed to air and may create contact issues in time.
There's this:
Silver and copper are both easily oxidized. The reason that silver and silver alloys are used for electrical contacts is because silver oxide is just as conductive as silver metal. Copper on the other hand has a non-conductive oxide and so it is typically not used for contacts unless there is some pretty heavy wiping occurring, i.e. the surfaces are scraped in the process of making a connection to cut through the oxide layer.
Draw your own conclusions.

All the best,

aubreybobb9 posts (quote  "Every true Audiophile I know is almost certainly certifiable. 😇😇😎" )

brubin OP15 posts

Why is it the fusers with hardly any posting history on something really meaningful in audio, are the most prolific posters when it comes to "snake oil" fuses.

“Less harmless are those audio enthusiasts who are least secure: those whose toxic rage at a world that does not accept the authority of their opinions—a world that persists in enjoying recorded music in ways of which they do not approve—accomplishes nothing other than making our hobby seem repellant.”

--Art Dudley
What are your thoughts on Speaker cables or interconnects? Larger diameter cables are better so 2/0 welding wire should be great to use, but they sound like crud. So what is it then?  
Large diameter cables with the same geometry lower R & marginally change L&C. When calculating impedance, L&C are squared terms while R is linear.

I'll bet your entire rig that if you let someone change fuses randomly without your knowledge, you will not detect any change. There are a lot of loonies in the audio field on both sides of the counter.

If the fuses or holders are ChiCom crap, replace them with Buss, Littelfuse, Osram or other reputable makes.

How often have foolzers left their gear connected for a year, decided to try a fuse, unplugged a bunch of connectors and presto the fuse is 'magic'.  If everyone would replug all their cables every few months, they would also transform their systems. If the system has fuses, reseat them as well. Ditto tubes.

I recently helped a fellow repair a tube amp he'd picked up for a song by simply replugging all the tubes a few times. Connectors are crap. Gold or otherwise.

Many speakers have internal push on terminals. Some are less than stellar quality. Pull your speakers apart and solder all internal connections.

Fremer et al. make money reviewing stuff.