LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality

After doing some research I found  Littlefuse sells  AUDIO/MEDICAL quality fuses  Series 285 
they are all slo-blow, buy come in various sizes including  5x20 

With the cost being less than $10, has anybody tried these over $100 "Audiophile" brands?
The "medical" application seems a little strange as I will not allow my doctor to install a fuse in way man...

+1 and Thank You

This quote says it all, to bad these close minded people continue to pollute the community and ad Nothing positive.. this is why the world is like it is now days.
“Less harmless are those audio enthusiasts who are least secure: those whose toxic rage at a world that does not accept the authority of their opinions—a world that persists in enjoying recorded music in ways of which they do not approve—accomplishes nothing other than making our hobby seem repellant.”

--Art Dudley

georgehifi  - your assumption is that all power conditioners add resistance.   But let us assume you are correct.  How much resistance?  
Resistance is always a factor including the cheap power cords used. 

But let us go down the bunny trail and say you have a 15amp RMS supply from the wall outlet.  There as very few power amplifiers manufactured regardless of price or topology that will exceed 5 amps RMS at full volume.  But even if our system has a maximum draw of 10 amps (which is a lot) and your power conditioner adds a hypothetical resistance adding a  1/4 amp draw.    Would you have an issue?  

A bigger issue is fast transient signals that exceed the short term capabilities of your amps power supply.  This voltage drop in milliseconds adds audible distortion, particularly in a premium system.  The combination of a high-quality power conditioner and high-quality power cords noise is to suppress noise.

A bigger issue is fast transient signals that exceed the short term capabilities of your amps power supply. This voltage drop in milliseconds adds audible distortion, particularly in a premium system. The combination of a high-quality power conditioner and high-quality power cords noise is to suppress noise.
Nonsense. The line frequency is TOTALLY UNRELATED to program demand. The power supply diodes conduct ONLY at the PEAK of the AC line waveform. The capacitor bank supplies the DC. If the capacitor bank voltage drops below output demand, distortion occurs in the output stage. Input stages have typically have secondary regulators and run at lower voltages than output stages.

A power conditioner may remove some HF noise from the line if there is any. Regardless of noise, it will add impedance to the power transformer / AC line interface. For lower power devices like sources and control units, no biggy. For high current devices, the effect varies with the line and transformer impedances AND THE DEMAND. Take home a few power conditioners and a few amps. The number of combinations is PwrCon X Amps. Some improve, some don’t, some have no effect. Move to another location and the game starts anew.