UPDATE: 8 Tourmaline "golden strings" with an herkimer diamond at the end of the strings all connected by cable to the "Bell of Bells"
In my last post i made an error the 8 strings were lava beads...
Now i decided to connect in the same way the 8 tourmaline strings up from my head in the regular listening position... The 8 lava beads connected in my precedent post are up over my head in nearfield listening...
When we are near the ultimate potential S.Q. of our audio system, and it seems to be the case for me, improvement are possible and audible but subtle and even if they are no more so spectacular, anyway the improvement is audible easily with a very complex sound recording i own, "Holy Harmony" of Jonathan Goldmann.... It is made of many tuned forks frequencies spinning around the room with subtle chimes that you will not hears if your system is not good...I hear them more clearly and the spinning frequencies are now more spinning than pulsating around my head...
Organ works of Bach are also very good to help the relation between bass and higher frequencies scale evaluations...
When the full frequencies spectrum is listening to without too much emphasis on a part of the scale in detriment to some other parts, with no jump but smoothness between rung of the scale, you are near the goal....
I am now on the limit of any other possible increase in S.Q. with these speakers.... If i was in the mood and with the money to upgrade it will be these vey good speakers, not the amplifier first nor the dac...The problem is this 7 inches driver deliver bass so deep and so clear i hear it with my stomach... What will be the price of speakers improving the higher frequencies and maintaining this bass without lacking in the mid frequencies and able to deliver imaging and holographic soundstage on par or better? Many THOUSANDS of dollars you can be sure.... Not bad for 50 dollars used speakers 25 years old at least....
I am happy with what i have, but all audiophile dream about some upgrade...I am not different...But in my case i HAD a good S.Q. already then i am not in frustration at all....
The problem and his answer are written on one line :
Embed everything rightfully before upgrading anything at all.....
You will be surprize how good what your own system already is....
In my last post i made an error the 8 strings were lava beads...
Now i decided to connect in the same way the 8 tourmaline strings up from my head in the regular listening position... The 8 lava beads connected in my precedent post are up over my head in nearfield listening...
When we are near the ultimate potential S.Q. of our audio system, and it seems to be the case for me, improvement are possible and audible but subtle and even if they are no more so spectacular, anyway the improvement is audible easily with a very complex sound recording i own, "Holy Harmony" of Jonathan Goldmann.... It is made of many tuned forks frequencies spinning around the room with subtle chimes that you will not hears if your system is not good...I hear them more clearly and the spinning frequencies are now more spinning than pulsating around my head...
Organ works of Bach are also very good to help the relation between bass and higher frequencies scale evaluations...
When the full frequencies spectrum is listening to without too much emphasis on a part of the scale in detriment to some other parts, with no jump but smoothness between rung of the scale, you are near the goal....
I am now on the limit of any other possible increase in S.Q. with these speakers.... If i was in the mood and with the money to upgrade it will be these vey good speakers, not the amplifier first nor the dac...The problem is this 7 inches driver deliver bass so deep and so clear i hear it with my stomach... What will be the price of speakers improving the higher frequencies and maintaining this bass without lacking in the mid frequencies and able to deliver imaging and holographic soundstage on par or better? Many THOUSANDS of dollars you can be sure.... Not bad for 50 dollars used speakers 25 years old at least....
I am happy with what i have, but all audiophile dream about some upgrade...I am not different...But in my case i HAD a good S.Q. already then i am not in frustration at all....
The problem and his answer are written on one line :
Embed everything rightfully before upgrading anything at all.....
You will be surprize how good what your own system already is....