The comments above, versus my own opinion, reflect differences in taste and system matching that makes it hard to say how you will react to any component in your system.
I like the AA Capitole player a lot. It is quite musical and has a remarkably clear and grain-free presentation. But, in the system I heard it in, it was a touch lean in the midbass which made it sound a bit dry, and with poorer quality sources, this can translate to a harsher sound. I found this lean quality to be exacerbated by using rollerblocks and/or a Symposium Ultra shelf under the player. But, don't misunderstand me, this is one of those players that had that hard-to-explain, something special about it that makes it a joy to listen to for extended periods.
I found the Cary player to be MUCH better through the solid state output than the tube output. True, the tube output does smooth out the sound a little, but it sounded muddled and lifeless in comparison to the SS output. I also tended to not like the highest levels of oversampling with that player.
If you are looking for smoother, relaxed and musical (vs. detailed and hyper kinetic) you might want to look into a transport coupled to an Audionote DAC. This can be a bit pricey, but they do sound wonderful.
I don't think you necessarily have to have a tube output to get a smoother, less edgy sound. There are some pure solid state candidates to look over. The Esoteric DV-50 sounds like a candidate, as would be some of the current Linn line and Ayre line.
I like the AA Capitole player a lot. It is quite musical and has a remarkably clear and grain-free presentation. But, in the system I heard it in, it was a touch lean in the midbass which made it sound a bit dry, and with poorer quality sources, this can translate to a harsher sound. I found this lean quality to be exacerbated by using rollerblocks and/or a Symposium Ultra shelf under the player. But, don't misunderstand me, this is one of those players that had that hard-to-explain, something special about it that makes it a joy to listen to for extended periods.
I found the Cary player to be MUCH better through the solid state output than the tube output. True, the tube output does smooth out the sound a little, but it sounded muddled and lifeless in comparison to the SS output. I also tended to not like the highest levels of oversampling with that player.
If you are looking for smoother, relaxed and musical (vs. detailed and hyper kinetic) you might want to look into a transport coupled to an Audionote DAC. This can be a bit pricey, but they do sound wonderful.
I don't think you necessarily have to have a tube output to get a smoother, less edgy sound. There are some pure solid state candidates to look over. The Esoteric DV-50 sounds like a candidate, as would be some of the current Linn line and Ayre line.