“BLOCK” Function?

  I’ve tried a search here for such a function,and I’ve come up empty. Is there a way to block certain members? Not just from personal messages,but so they don’t show up in any topic I’m reading. Sometimes it’s nice to ask a question and learn something without someone trying to rub your nose in your lack of knowledge like a dog that did his business in the house.  I am all for learning from others. That’s one of the reasons I frequent this site. However,there are some folks here that do have vast knowledge, but are as abrasive as 40 grit sandpaper. For those folks I’m ready to throw the baby out with the bath water.  

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The first line of a post shows the user name in blue script. If this represents a poster you don't like, just skip his/her post. It's not rocket science.
How’re we doing? Would think all you junior Marxists would’ve figured this one out by now. No? Nothing? Come on, man!
We all figured it out.
He’s talking about you.

We all figured it out.
He’s talking about you.

Really, we’re talking about the guy who in this thread alone has:

1) Claimed someone wants to lock him up for having a different opinion - (Amazingly he can’t distinguish differing opinions from totally berating someone and deliberating make him feel stupid. Yes, there’s actually a difference in civilized society where humans are respected.)

2) Suggested that the OP possesses poor reading comprehension and self-awareness skills.

3) Accused all thread participants other than himself of being junior Marxists.

That’s who we are really talking about? lol

I do find it interesting that he immediately knew everyone was talking about him. Was it the reference to rubbing a dogs nose in it? Maybe the 40 grit abrasiveness? Even he knows "If the shoe fits...."