So, I guess the, "OP" is the recipient of my, "Good Deed" for the week.
I'll throw some nice cabling, "IMHO" in as well.
Uh oh, I didn't just legally adopt this fellow did I?
Those "Golden Ear, Triton's" mentioned above are a nice speaker.
Does anyone know if the "Post Office", still has those nifty,
(If it fit's? It Ships)"!! Flat-rate boxes just sitting there for free?
I am sure I can jam each of these in a couple of those.
And with a wrap of "Saran" maybe to keep the dust out before dropping them in?
None of that "wimpy" bubble wrap or foam-"peanut like", strata, for Me!
After all, they placed all of those dusty, oxidized and soft/puffy capacitor filled electronics inside that metal case to protect it all right?
And is that $50 worth of , "Postal Insurance" still free with any tracked parcel as well?
Did I say that gear was mint?
I meant, "It Smells", like mint. "Someone spilled something one X-mas I think.......
Anyway, "It smells" kinda like mint....and....something else......Hmmm.
Of course, after the dog had all those puppies on top of it.......
And, "Then the rains came".....