How long do high quality speakers "last"

I am the original owner of a pair of ProAc Response 2 speakers. They are almost 7 years old, but have never been driven excessively hard. How long (i.e. useful lifespan in years) can I expect these speakers to "last" (i.e. no significant sonic degradation) if I care for them carefully? When they do start to degrade, what mechanical failures and sonic degradations can I expect to occur? Thanks in advance!!!
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ACOUSTATS LIVES FOREVER!!!!!! and still playing since 1982. Had a friend over to hear them and he gave his maggie's away!!! now what does that say.
I've had my Thors 18 yrs,, no issues, except the foam diaphrams in the Millennium's diintergrtaed,, so replaced,, still my tech guy tested them, and suggested replacing at $300/each,, the speakers were not  is use but 8 of the 18,,and not loud, nor much R&R, mostly classical,, so lightly used. 
This gives you a idea of when to change mid wteeters,, midwoofers are perferfect,,except my cat long ago scratched 2 mids so recently i myself replaced the 2 surrounds, very easy to do.
just added  new high tech xovers,, so a   good speaker over say 10 yrs old, recommend replacing mid tweeters and also upgrading xovers.
Hope that helps.