Are systems genre dependent?

I know a lot of people believe if a system is well balanced, it should sound superb in all genres of music (Rock, Classical, Folk etc.). To a large extent, that is true.  But I also think that systems can be skewed in favor of particular styles of music.  I really don’t believe my system, which is very well set up for classical, can fully do justice to most kinds of rock.  And, conversely, I’ve heard systems that really rock but don’t sound really top notch in classical.  Now, I’m not saying that a balanced system will sound bad or even mediocre in any kind of music.  Just, that for ultimate performance  systems do vary in presentation.
What do you think?
rvpiano...I forgot to mention my previous speakers were Tyler Acoustics Decade D20s. Total of four 10 inch woofers. They would rock. Very good speakers but too much for my 15 X 15 listening room. The Harbeths, to me, are better at solo instruments, chamber music, and concertos.
you bet

but like many other product categories, some are more specialized than others w.r.t. musical genres, some are more ’generalists’
I agree with you. More often than not I have indeed found different systems and components to be somewhat if not grossly genre dependent.  To my ears my system delivers lovely sound in whatever genre I venture into, but I'm sure any true heavy metal head or hip-hopper would call my system hopelessly tame.
mmhmm,,,and that is exactly why i have 3 different/different sounding systems (mix of speakers and electronics) at home. If you have an eclectic taste in music, there's no way around it.

For the guys who like to listen to their "gear" with a limited 3 or 4 audiophile quality recordings on repeat (and if that's all they listen to), one great audiophile system should be sufficient, i suppose. Believe me, there are guys who do this and one of them is my sibling! But, for a "music first" audiophile with an eclectic taste in music, 2 catered systems may be a minimum.