@uberwaltz, I am interested to see what you think of Morning Phase. It is certainly a contemplative album, not a rocker.
@mapman I feel the same way about most of Beck's other stuff. I just don't really get it. Sea Change is not bad but does not pull me in the way Morning Phase does.
@stereo5 Me too. Apparently his father helped do the arrangements of the orchestral pieces. Maybe that helped guide the cohesiveness of Morning Phase as there are recurring instrumental themes through the album.
@mapman I feel the same way about most of Beck's other stuff. I just don't really get it. Sea Change is not bad but does not pull me in the way Morning Phase does.
@stereo5 Me too. Apparently his father helped do the arrangements of the orchestral pieces. Maybe that helped guide the cohesiveness of Morning Phase as there are recurring instrumental themes through the album.