Tyray suggested: "Why don’t you guys (and gals) get together and have a respectful subwoofer shoot out... test each others hypotheses, scientific principles, use the audio test equipment to set up your equipment and record everything for posterity and science."
I just re-read the thread and it looks to me like nobody is saying the science behind a distributed multisub system is bogus. Some criticize its advocates, some say dipoles work better (which they do in some ways and not in others) or that fixing the room comes first, and several have said it’s too impractical.
But not even Erik’s blog page disputes the technical merits of the idea. Quoting:
"To oversimplify, the DBA [Distributed Bass Array] or Audio Kinesis Swarm uses four subwoofers to cancel room modes. Please read details directly from the vendor as I am not a fan and therefore won’t do it justice.
"While I was a fan of this idea due to the innovation and possibilities it offered I never really warmed to it due to the physical complexity. For me, I want my system simpler, smaller, and tripling the number of speakers in my home has no appeal at all. I am no longer a fan of this idea due to the fan boys and how cultish they have become."
I don’t see any of these objections going away if a distributed multisub system "works as advertised" because none of them are based on the premise that it doesn’t.
I just re-read the thread and it looks to me like nobody is saying the science behind a distributed multisub system is bogus. Some criticize its advocates, some say dipoles work better (which they do in some ways and not in others) or that fixing the room comes first, and several have said it’s too impractical.
But not even Erik’s blog page disputes the technical merits of the idea. Quoting:
"To oversimplify, the DBA [Distributed Bass Array] or Audio Kinesis Swarm uses four subwoofers to cancel room modes. Please read details directly from the vendor as I am not a fan and therefore won’t do it justice.
"While I was a fan of this idea due to the innovation and possibilities it offered I never really warmed to it due to the physical complexity. For me, I want my system simpler, smaller, and tripling the number of speakers in my home has no appeal at all. I am no longer a fan of this idea due to the fan boys and how cultish they have become."
I don’t see any of these objections going away if a distributed multisub system "works as advertised" because none of them are based on the premise that it doesn’t.