LittelFuses Series 285 AUDIO/MEDICAL Quality

After doing some research I found  Littlefuse sells  AUDIO/MEDICAL quality fuses  Series 285 
they are all slo-blow, buy come in various sizes including  5x20 

With the cost being less than $10, has anybody tried these over $100 "Audiophile" brands?
"What NEW properties are discovered that invalidate the old?"        Is it that you have no comprehension, can’t read, or chose to ignore the obvious truths stated in the piece on Science/Tesla, I provided?        More likely: you never read it.       Perhaps, you have absolutely no knowledge of 20th Century Physics, at all?       Typical of the Naysayer, you’ve changed the subject.     OK: When have you ever, "proven" your, "ability" to hear, to ME?     All you Naysayers have to offer, is your faith-based religion and, "TRUST ME!"    Those offering 30 Day, Money Back, Satisfaction Guarantees, are enabling people to conduct experiments, in their own homes, with their own systems and ears.     That’s with no risk of financial loss, an eternal damnation, or- need of the Naysayer Doctrine’s salvation.      Gotta admit; you snake-oil handling, religious fanatics can be amusing.        Kind of like a Greek tragicomedy.
We naysayers have all heard audible changes without changing anything.
That can happen.
Purveyors and aficionados make extravagant claims without any scientific or engineering support other than their say-so.
This is a hobbyist's site, not a scientific forum, so no one here is obligated to provide any scientific proof to you. Of course, that doesn't mean that you can't offer some evidence of your own.
The Earth is flat and we never went to the Moon. 

I don't mind people saying it does not work - unless they never tried it.  Short of crystals on equipment, if someone tried to upgrade their fuses or power system and did not receive positive results then share the details.  Provide details of the experiment - what system did they try it with, including Amp, Pre-amp, source, cable information. What are the variables of your testing?   "It was a different sound, but I did not like it" is valid data.  

This is a hobbyist’s site, not a scientific forum
It’s also not a "snake oil" or "voodoo" forum. BTW It’s in the "Technical forum"!

Everyone’s pieces of audio equipment was designed by "Electronic Engineers" that used all the laws of electronics to design and measure them, and if you have any piece that wasn’t, your a fool for buying it.
Show one of these "EE’s" statements that back up the "sound differences" heard by the snake oil fusers here.

@Admin is it possible for Audiogon to have a new forum called, "Snake Oil" forum for those strange expensive products that some say they can hear huge benefits, that can’t be explained by respected Audio Engineers.

Cheers George
Once again: the Wonder From Down Under (a Naysayer Doctrine, snake-oil handler, extraordinaire) offers nothing of value, in 500 words or less, to a thread (always failing to surprise).