Provide details of the experiment - what system did they try it with, including Amp, Pre-amp, source, cable information. What are the variables of your testing?As mentioned:
- we found that defective plating or weld/solder affected the sonics
- we found that reseating fuses just like any other connection affected the sonics
- we found that soldering fuses just like any other connection affected the sonics
- we surmised that a nearly blown fuse could negatively affect the sonics, but were never able to conclusively determine
We did not find the fuse brand, geometry or anything else made a difference when using quality fuses and holders.
Foolzers claim improvements readily attributable to not performed pedestrian maintenance issues and which can therefore be discounted for lack of rigor.
Foolzers claim improvements readily attributable uncontrolled environmental issues and which can therefore be discounted for lack of rigor.
BTW, Power Conditioners DO make a difference. NOT always positive.
More that once, I've been seduced only to shortly thereafter determine apres more divers material, "This is crap!"