I take nothing away from what many are suggesting here, including the new Cornwall IVs, but, the Lascalas, are a very fine speaker.... a design that has proven itself, for many years, from a great engineer ( P W Klipsch ), and now, the latest, with refinement from Roy Delgado. The horn bass, is very musical. A design, similarly used by Volti Audio ( Vittora, and Simon Mears ( Ucello ). There are simple tweaks and modifications, that can turn these into world class performers ( if buying used ). What many people do not realize, the Lascalas are extremely coherent, as they are full range horns, with the driver configuration placing the dog house ( woofer horn section ), mid horn and treble horn, within close proximity, to each other. This matters, from your listening seat. Khorns, even the new ones, require corners, and dictate your listening seat ( they are great when all of this can be optimized, with some corner wall treatment , and this, is too involved a conversation, for this thread ). Many horn speakers are hybrids, meaning, a mid / treble horn, and a bass reflex / transmission line design, for the bass. Some are coherent, and some are not, imo. DIY horn speakers that I have heard, in most cases, had great dynamics, but lacked this coherence I am speaking of, and many of these, would do better, when the listening seat is much further away from the speakers, again, imo. And then, there are some mid / treble horn combos, that place my ears " inside the horn ", basically, needing some greater distance, because the horns are just too big, for a standard listening room. The Lascala works great in every room. Matching them to a pair of bass extenders ( subwoofers, from 50- 80 hz down ), simply requires very fast units, to keep up with the dog houses. Anyway, if you would like more information from me, you are welcome to PM me. Of course, try and listen, to whatever you can, before making your final choice. I am likely being very vague, but.............Enjoy ! and stay safe !