Let's be a little meta: What topics are most hotly debated?

Fuses? Power conditioners? Analog vs. Digital? Class D amplification?


The most hotly debated subject is bass.  What to do if you don't have enough, how to make it better, subwoofers, crossovers, EQs, room treatment.  Nothing launches more audiophiles out of there listening chairs faster.  Of course I'm guilty of this too, I've just realized that this is a subject with no end in sight.
Every audiophile that knows anything knows to get true bass in ones system you must:

Use class D amplification (everything else is a compromise)

Use SR orange fuses (only)

Run each sub (at least six) though a power conditioner & dedicated transformer that has symmetrical power balanced outlets 

Use only (& I mean only) Kaplan power cables. They may be hard to find but nothing else will do

And for Pete's sake don't expect anything but inferior results if your front end isn't a turntable with a Wheaton arm & Accuphase AC-2 cartridge

You're welcome

point taken

i guess one needs to balance being nice and telling the truth