What isolation feet under your amp with great result?

I'm looking for more cleaner, micro inner details. Not tone control or dynamic.
Amp is 82-lb. TIA
the Herbies tube dampers are well known, his tall tender feet work very well at absorbing vibration and firm up the imaging 
for under $60 for 4 they are a $$ excellent buy.
i have used comes and bearing type in my system too analytical
sounding ,  they have cup bearing type also made of wood,and stone .
My 72 pound Aragon 8008 BB amplifier has four tennis Balls under at the bottom a solid oak cabinet with plenty air circulation sounds great.
I replaced my Rega turntable feet with Symposiums Rollerback jr+, almost reasonably priced at a nice 20 percent discount, and I do think it changed the sound to the better, more clarity overall, but it also could all be in my head, but who cares it sounds better to my brain which translates into more happiness for me !

Regardless they upped the coolness factor of a really oddly designed TT. The owner lives 15 minutes from me so I can vouch for him amd his product. He's very approachable. And I think they have a return policy. 

Next I was advised to look at decoupling the speakers from their stands with Ansuz DARKZ but they are Uber expensive. Anyone familiar with that product?
After all of my experimenting, I found the best place for the Oreas under the footers of my integrated and SACD player. I was told by Isoacousitcs and musicdirect that directly under the chassis was the best place to start.

No matter where I placed them, using direct contact with the chassis, the highs were affected. I had some wonderful mids and lows having an almost 3D effect but I missed that last bit of air and reach.

Now I have the best of both worlds with just a minor shift back in that 3D effect but all the air, extension and realism that the highs add to the mix. The isolation offers a lot of that see-through into the recording that all the spinning and whatnot of the SACD player masks. The focus just from the integrated is appreciated as well.

On the Black Keys Brothers CD, on one track a guitar is now playing about 5’ to the right of the right speaker, which places it outside my apartment. I have to close my eyes to complete the soundstage image as it’s kind of jarring to just look at it.

On Jacintha’s Jacintha Is Her Name, on the Light My Fire track, the bongos, instead of coming from one point, are coming from three distinct places. Close together, but distinctly separate. I think I’m done tinkering for awhile.
And, like someone else said about their footers, it looks cool to see the gear situated up off the media top shelf, adding a kind of elegance to the whole affair.

All the best,