Come Back Geoff Kait!

Has anyone heard from Geoff? 

I miss his humour and acerbic wit. 
He should really be posting here.

His ability to withstand the jabs and the pressures from the ’great mentally unwashed’ was/is unparalleled.

As a metaphor, one might say he has a mental postive pH of 14 and the ’negative proofing’ mindset types (definitively not the invention types!) have a mental pH of negative14.

When they mixed, the froth was immediate and continual. The negative would eventually expire or become the unrealized walking wounded (I’m fine, I’ll walk it off!)...and he would remain at +14.

Three quotes from two of our best, that say it all:

From Earnest Rutherford:
"All of physics is either impossible or trivial. It is impossible until you understand it, and then it becomes trivial."

"All science is either physics or stamp collecting."

Too many stamp collectors around here confuse themselves with the idea that they are in the knowing in physics. Physics as an exploration is not trivial. See the first quote for clarity. The trivial is the dogma part that is in the textbooks. It is there for engineers when they build bridges. Huge divide.... and the two cannot mix.

Point: All of high end audio is an exploration. Therefore, keep one’s negative proofing and stamp collecting to one’s self. It has no place here. It is trivial. Let me re-phrase. One uses it to get up to pace or the edge. It’s a map. It is NOT the territory. From that point of being up to date (the book is a map to the edge) where, when arriving at the edge...the book and the data therein.. are all up to being questioned, changed, or even dismissed entirely. THAT is physics. THAT is high end audio.

High end audio is an equation with multiple unknowns and the trivial cannot reach it, nor solve it. The big one being that few seem to understand that human hearing and how this translates to engineering, is very much an unsolved mystery.

If this seems crazy, remember that no one here can explain what reality, or an atom is, or what gravity is, or what time is. The very basis of the carrier for your so called intelligence/being/self... is a giant freaking unknown. So stop it with the bloodclot crying about audio oddities. Jebus.

George Bernard Shaw:

“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”

We need more and more unreasonable men in high end audio, it seems. As we can’t let the trivial people wear us down. Otherwise... progress ends.
Recent posts on Audio Asylum...that's interesting. I do hope that he's well, and it seems that he is then. Maybe someone here angered him and he decided to take a break. We all have a right to post here, but I personally don't miss most of his posts. They weren't what I consider humorous most of the time.
+1 Roxy.

Very little of his posting was what I would call funny, more insulting and degrading imho.
So sorry, nope do not miss him here at all.

In the end his ego wrote a check his body could not cash.
I’d love to see Larry Moe and Curly return. They were very funny and totally harmless to the passing observer.  Shemp too. 
When I first came here, within a few posts GK was attacking me on the basis of science. Trying to correct me on basic science. High school stuff. He at first seemed like just a normal guy confused about a few things. Within one exchange though it was obvious something else was going on. I decided to do some due diligence. A little searching turned up a disturbing record. The only on-line reference from someone who actually met him was he enjoys making fun of audiophiles. The more serious you are about it the more he likes to make fun of you. 

I read through a bunch of his posts. Sure enough, zero helpful info, 100% jabs and barbs. All the humor is at others expense. Its relentless. I don't agree with uberwaltz about much, if anything, but when he says GK was insulting and degrading he is absolutely right on. Never once have I seen him actually offer genuine sincere help or guidance. I mean that. Posted a standing challenge to find a single post to prove me wrong. No takers. There is no such post. He sells springs, sure, and they may even work. But he also was charging hundreds of dollars claiming to make your stereo sound better over the phone. 

Its genuinely dispiriting to see anyone here thinking there was anything good about GK and his 20k posts. There were whole threads, dozens, hundreds, that devolved to nothing more than GK and his little band of babblers back and forthing the most childish insulting barbs. He may have helped a person here or there but for every one he helped, or entertained, I bet there's a dozen he hurt. I would be one. If anyone making a lick of sense had been pushing springs I would have been using them much, much earlier. Because the minute it was explained clearly by someone NOT a loon I latched right onto it. Who knows how many other bona fide great low cost tweaks were tainted and ruined by his incessant insulting "humor". 

I do hope he's alive, but that is all. If I never see another one of his posts anywhere ever it will be too soon.