Confused as to where to go next...looking for warmth

I hope this is the right place for this posting.  I don't ever post, but do tons of reading and "window shopping."  I have gotten myself into a little bit of analysis paralysis.  I hope that you guys can help clear up the muddy waters for me!

When listening to music, I am using a Bluesound Node 2i, an upgrade over the Apple TV that I was using.  I was using Tidal for both, and now testing a Roon core installed on an Apple computer.
My processor/receiver is an Arcam FMJ AVR 400, but I use it with an external Liberty Audio B2B-100 power amp (200wpc@4ohms), driving an older pair of Totem Forest speakers.  I also have a Totem Model 1 signature center for watching tv.  

I want to improve the 2 channel sound of the system.  My impression is that the Forests and Liberty are very revealing and clean sounding.  I don't have the audiophile vocabulary, but I will try.  I think the system is lacking something, it sounds dark, maybe on the clinical side.  I want the music to better come alive and add some warmth, without sacrificing detail and punch.  Hopefully that makes sense.

The Schiit Freya+ has my attention and I have been looking at DACs.  The Freya may add the warmth that I am looking for, and I can run it in home theater bypass for watching movies/TV.  My DAC research has confounded me, however...

The option I would probably go with, if I didn't decider to tech out to you guys, is to get the Freya+ and Gungnir DAC.  That seems like a matched system, eliminates the HT processor from 2 channel listening, and I would think would be a massive improvement.

The DAC confusion started when I started looking at all of the different options out there.  Topping D90, Tubadour, MHDT Orchid, etc.  So much that I started to doubt the Freya even...

I hope that provides enough detail for what I am trying to accomplish.  My budget can be described as towards the best bang for the buck..trying not to spend more than $2000 +/-, hopefully less than that.  Open to used.  Thanks in advance for your input! 

Dallas, TX 

andy727 -

Please update as things progress. 
One additional comment re placement (definitely understand about your wife's preference)...

Though distance from the wall behind will affect sound quality, I found distance between the Forests to also have a huge impact.  Maybe "huge-er", in some ways.  One of the reviewers (Tone?  Audiophilia?) had commented about "pay attention to spacing Vince uses at shows" or words to that effect and noted how sound locked in when you found the correct distance between the two. 

If you have the flexibility, try moving the Forests to as little as 6 or even 5 feet apart.  Do this gradually.  When I first discovered "the closer-together sweet spot" I was shocked by the immediate step-change in bass.  Lyrics (even from Mark Knophler who my wife calls, "the mumbler") were also suddenly much more intelligible.  Closer together if you can do it might give you that "oomph" you feel is missing.  I think the tendency is to space speakers too far apart.

So I just connected the Node directly to the B2B..immediately the music sounds bigger, though some tracks sound hollow.  Is it possible that Qobuz sounds better through Roon than BluOs?  Thats the definite impression I have rn.  Fun thing to try and seals the point to get the AVR out of the system.

seeing your earlier response below -- the ’fix the room’ input you have rec'd seems pretty key

softening the hard surfaces (rugs, curtains, fabric couches/cushions...and of course, audiophile treatments) will definitely increase warmth and also focus

think that is more important than other tweaks or equipment swaps
ghosthouse, That is an issue with our furniture.  We have a very long low console that dictates the speakers be 9' apart.  I could put them in front of the console, but then they would really be in the middle of the room.  Maybe I need to put the 2 channel system somewhere else in the house..
Another factor is that we are probably building a new house next year, so doing anything too crazy to this one is out of the question for now..  The new house will have acoustics in mind when we design it.