Oppo 205 + Tidal/Roon Via Ethernet Now - Should I add a MQA decoder? - need your wisdom

Here is my current setup which is only used for two channel audio.

(1) Using an ipad to control the Roon App.
(2) The ipad Roon App plays Tidal music and controls the songs and volume on my Oppo 205 via ethernet (they are all on the same network) 
(3) My Oppo 205 is connected to a PS Audio BHK Signature Preamp via Right/Left XLR Cables.
(4) The PS Audio then feeds my 611 amps through Right/Left XLR Cables
(5) My 611 amps feed to my 803D3 speakers.

I have been listening to this setup since i retired for over a year now and I LOVE IT - amazing sound and very easy to use.

All the while I thought I have been listening to MQA quality. It turns out (as most of you know now that i have studied these forums) i need a streamer to "unfold" the MQA because the Oppo 205 does NOT "unfold" MQA through the Ethernet connection, rather the Oppo can only "unfold" the MQA through the USB

So I thought it would be easy to find a streamer that i could control via my Ipad as i do now. My hope was the streamer would "unfold" the MQA music and i would plug this streamer into the Oppo's USB port and I then have MQA capability

It isn't that easy - I can't find a <$1,000 streamer that i can control via an Ipad that will unfold MQA and has a USB out to plug into the Oppo 205 other than a used Mac Mini

I am not a tech guy and I am concerned it is difficult to get a mac mini set up to do this. Also i don't have a screen to plug the mac mini into so I don't think i can set it up/control it

Please let me know if anyone has solved this and if its worth it (i.e. introducing a streamer into my system to get MQA capability and if so, which streamer you recommend)

Thank you
Mahler123 - thank you for that input.

I did look at the Node 2i. The challenge I had is it does not seem to have a USB out (which is the only connection the Oppo 205 can process MQA). So the only connection from the 2i would be the RCA L/R out to the Oppo which would seem to lose some quality in sound. 

Does that make sense or do you think i am missing something?

Thank you again for your input

The discussion topic would seem to indicate that with a firmware update
MQA is processed by UDP-205:


@danielinvermont's Post.
" @bultaco I believe the answer is yes. I set the TIDAL desktop app on my MacBook Pro to do an MQA passthrough. The OPPO display on my Tv showed that MQA streams were being decoded up to 24/192. My PS Audio Bridge II also does a full MQA unfold to up to 24/192."
Thanks for starting this thread. I don’t have Roon but the discussion and links helped me realize I could get Tidal MQA full unfold from my Oppo 205 via wireless and the mconnect app.

I previously could only get the full unfold by using a laptop and usb into the 205 but I couldn’t get it to work with Windows 7, only Windows 10. It was a nice surprise to get it working with wireless this weekend. It seems to sound different for sure but I need more time to process this and do some comparisons.

I normally use the digital out of the 205 into a PS Audio PWD mkII but can route the 205 straight to the preamp if desired via analog outs. I need to try the XLR outs from the 205 to the preamp and see how that sounds too.

None of this likely helps you at all but i wanted to speak up as the thread has helped me a lot. I’m still interested in your resolution as I’m considering Roon but am not sure I need it.