Main Audiogon site barely works?

Has anyone else noticed over the past couple of days that the main Audiogon sales site seems to be on life support? It takes at least 20-30 seconds to load, and any changes in listing etc may or may not happen before the website times out. This didn't seem to be the case on Thursday but since yesterday the site has been barely useable. I'm wondering if it's just me or if there's a real server issue? 
This site has been horrible for the last few days. It has been barely useable. Hopefully the issue is corrected sooner than later.
I thought it was just me and my old iPad. Sometimes it would take 45 seconds or more. Other times it would not load at all. I’m glad to admin is aware of the problem.
Hi Everybody... from Audiogon Facebook!:

 We're aware of the issue and do apologize. We are in the process of moving decades worth of data from one site to another, which is why you may be experiencing longer than normal load times and/or time-out issues. We hope to have the data migration completed shortly, which should ultimately result in a better, faster user experience. Thank you for your patience, and we apologize again for any inconvenience in the interim.

Let's look @ the manual and see..

"How to Rebuild an Aircraft While Inflight"