Leave tube amps always on?

Mark, the owner of Linear Tube Audio, suggested I leave my tube amps on all the time 24/7 if im listenting every day, and to turn them off if not using for a period of time, a few days or for example we go away.  His reasoning was that it uses considerable more energy to turn on/off on a regular basis. 

Do others agree?  Kinda risky since these NOS Mullard tubes ain't cheap and will soon be gone forever.   
Wasn’t Einstein a physicist? They know a thing or two about energy and glass tubes. ;)
No matter the built-in protection, I take the point about gas filled tubes and fires and its enough convincing for me to shut it down every night or when we leave the house. Thanks for that gloriousunicorns :)

I guess it just comes down to some daily thought around when you may use your system throughout a normal 10 hour period in that day and plan accordingly 👌 So one follow up may be if I use my system on the weekends in the afternoon, take a few hours break and then again at night --- what say yee - on or off?

As a side matter, I have left my solid state amps always on 24/7 in my home theater room since 2011. And that was on the advice at the time of just about everyone on the theory that they draw very little power when idle and not being used and there is a bigger risk with the amp breaking down with constant switching on and off.
I don't own LTA, so maybe that is a very special case. Can't speak to it.
In addition to fire hazard, tube life (both good points), my gear consumes over 100w when idle. I listen probably 2 hours a day, maximum, on average. This probably doesn't mean much, given the other factors, but at my electricity rates, the difference in energy use is $105 vs. $9. For decent tubes, that's the cost of about 2 tubes per year in energy savings. Over a few years, it would add up.