The Accuton drivers when used by a skilled designer can sound very good but they do have some limitations.
- As a dealer we have replaced them for customers but at least they are off the shelf and readily available.
-They have limited pistonic range and require steep filters in the crossovers so can not be time and phase correct.
-As already mentioned the diaphragm has significant ringing with its own sonic signature.
-Need to be careful mixing different materials because of this sonic signature. Best to use the same material 150Hz and above.
Cheers Johnnyr
The Accuton drivers when used by a skilled designer can sound very good but they do have some limitations.
- As a dealer we have replaced them for customers but at least they are off the shelf and readily available.
-They have limited pistonic range and require steep filters in the crossovers so can not be time and phase correct.
-As already mentioned the diaphragm has significant ringing with its own sonic signature.
-Need to be careful mixing different materials because of this sonic signature. Best to use the same material 150Hz and above.
Cheers Johnnyr