Concord Jazz 1976
Reset my antiskate last night using a newly arrived “WallySkater”. The change it dictated from my “setting by ear” was an increase. Initially sounded fuller but with diminished top end extension. I have always found anti skate and SRA to have audible interaction so I increased the VTA/SRA adjustment on the OL Illustrious mk3c by, eventually, 1.5mm. I’m really enjoying the new presentation. More solid image with extension in treble and base that is very satisfying. If always found the final step of setting SRA by ear and AntiSkate by ear leaves two variables dancing together that I tended to optimize one off were the other was thought to sound best. Having a better guide on one allows the setting by ear of the SRA to be producing a different but possibly more enticing presentation. This is going to be a fun tool to have for future cartridge swaps as I get better at using it and to set up the new OL Enterprise Mk4 tonearm that’s enroute from England.
Concord Jazz 1976
Reset my antiskate last night using a newly arrived “WallySkater”. The change it dictated from my “setting by ear” was an increase. Initially sounded fuller but with diminished top end extension. I have always found anti skate and SRA to have audible interaction so I increased the VTA/SRA adjustment on the OL Illustrious mk3c by, eventually, 1.5mm. I’m really enjoying the new presentation. More solid image with extension in treble and base that is very satisfying. If always found the final step of setting SRA by ear and AntiSkate by ear leaves two variables dancing together that I tended to optimize one off were the other was thought to sound best. Having a better guide on one allows the setting by ear of the SRA to be producing a different but possibly more enticing presentation. This is going to be a fun tool to have for future cartridge swaps as I get better at using it and to set up the new OL Enterprise Mk4 tonearm that’s enroute from England.