is the new rolling stones goats head soup deluxe reissue worth it?

Sam here and after running my own test on the new rolling stones goats head soup reissue as far as the original album goes the new reissue and the 2009 remaster have the same dynamic range to the point of saying they are one and the same.Have a look All they did was apply some reverb to the 2009 remaster. For the record company to release something this unlistenable proves my point that they are purposely distroying music.

2009 remaster

2020 remaster

2009 remaster 33 hertz encoded dynamic range
I thought the Qobuz streaming version sounded pretty good, better than a lot of Stones stuff tbh.

However I just played my mono vinyl of Flowers and THAT is nicely done but it was 1967... Lol.
Just another example of "just find a clean period press, and be done with it!"

Listening to Rolling Stones music isn't about silly audiophool obsession.. 

@stereo5 just pulling your leg - I like Floyd also. But always a Stones fan....

Speaking of Pink Floyd - have you heard any of David Gilmore's early solo records - they are excellent.