Is there measurement that correlates with cohesive/pinpoint imaging?

I am currently using single-driver Omega alnico speakers which have the most coherent imagining that I've ever heard.  However, if I wanted to compare them with other speakers (including multi-way speakers with crossovers) in that regard, are there any specific measurements to account for?  Would measured delay between driver signals in a multi-way speaker be a useful proxy?
I had a pair of Snell back in the day.... and Thiel, ESL63, Vandersteen..... I still have them, except....for the Snell. I certainly recognize the genius of Peter and they were quite good....

a curved baffle helps but I don’t think it’s SOTA any more....

I'm afraid all the components in the Snell A/III are outclasssed today, but for imaging and impact, amazing.  The SF Stradivari are much newer and deal with the diffraction issue very differently than a large box does.  Outstanding.
of course

measurements and specs explain everything, what is the matter with you?

in fact, they mean so much, are so meaningful and all encompassing, that i think will soon give up listening to music altogether and just log in and read ASR

i will have the specs and measurements on everything having to do with hifi, won’t even need music anymore

you’ll need to excuse me now, its late and i need to cuddle in bed with my oscilloscope

Above... That was a helpful addition to the thread. Thanks! 

Otherwise, how are these multi-driver speakers solving this problem?  If there's engineering involved there's got to be some math or measurements of some kind.

Do any speakers truly image as coherently as single drivers? If so, there must be a theory.