Joseph Audio Pulsar?

I'm in the market for the best possible reproduction (within the budget, obviously) from 70 Hz and up. Budget is as much as $6000, although $5K would be more comfortable. I recently heard a pair of the Pulsars and was thoroughly impressed. Retail price is out of range and used pairs don't seem to come up for sale. So, I would welcome any and all opinions from those who 1) auditioned the Pulsars, AND 2) have a slightly less expensive alternative. The only caveat is that I must be able to listen before buying (say, within 200 miles of the audio wasteland known as Houston), or alternatively, have an offer of in home trial. The speakers will be driven by my tube amp (VAC Phi Beta 110i). Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
Okay Mike,

I've changed my system descriptions.

Now, tell me your opinion of my system. I'd really like to know. One thing that I will ask is that if you haven't actually heard the Wadia S7i, Spectron amp or Caravelle speakers, tell me so that we'll have a starting point of reference.

I know that everyone's listening preference is a little different and I'm a computer programmer and former musician who likes an extremely transparent system. I want to hear what each instrument is doing because it's interesting to see how an artist puts together a song. I want that, but I also want it in a layered soundstage that is both deep and wide.

In order to do that, as you know, the level of distortion needs to be as low as possible. I saw that you have or used to have a Running Springs power conditioner. I used to use Chris' Stereovox cables years ago too, and currently use the cables from Craig, who designed the Running Springs HZ Crown Jewel power cord.

I have a small room, 10' x 12.5', and I don't need thunderous bass. I'd rather have bass that's tight and defined and that won't overtake the small room.

Also, I'd like your thoughts concerning running a music server into the USB port of my Wadia. I first thought that your Music Vault Diamond was a server, but I see that it is a transport. Is it a server too?

I heard the Pulsars at the Axpona show in NYC last week and I thought they were excellent. They have the midrange and highs of good monitor and the dynamics of a good floorstander.
Thanks, Guppy!

I just hooked up the Pulsars to the Bel Canto 500 monoblocks, and the combo sounds awesome right out of the box! I am guessing that a few more hundred hours will really make them sing! I am very impressed and happy with my new setup.
Congratulations! You've got a terrific setup that I am sure you give you great enjoyment for many years.