best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.

I own the following system:Avalon eidolon, connoisseur preamp, Halcro DM68,and EMM labs combo, and as I don´t use the EMM labs as SACD, I want to buy a new one box only CD player.
I´m thinking on the followings posibilities:

Esoteric x-01, Lindemann 820 and DCS P8i these also let me to hear SACD
Reimyo and AA capitole as only CD players

The true is that I´m not convinced with the sound of the EMM labs playing CD´s, my feel is that the sound is a little cool and sterile, this with the Avalon and DM 68 makes that the sound is not what I want, said this I´m looking for a little more warm sound, but as I can´t hear the Reimyo I ask you this question. Thanks to all for your reply.
Teac X-01 sterile? Ahem! I am playing an X-01 with 550 hrs on it and still its stoc PC. on ARC LS2B (to be replaced by ARC Ref 3), Rowland 7M, MagnePan 3A. Definitely not warmish, but well balanced. . . (sorry I do not like to use 'neutral'. . . it sounds like 'castrated' to me). yet not sterile at all. I play mostly classical chamber music, where a good sustained fleshing out of harmonics across the whole audible range is paramount, and where microdynamics make or break a performance, and where spurious excess energy in sustained treble will make your ears truly bleed.. On the other hand, it is perfectly true that X-01 can sound indeed sterile with some anorexic sounding PCs, like Nordost Valhalla. Try it while driven by a well controlled and balanced PC like a Shunyata Anaconda VX or a Shunyata Python Helix VX and your jaw will drop in awe.

The Reimyo's balanced outputs are derived off the single ended outputs. I tried both, and preferred the single ended outputs by a wide margin. My Reimyo is driven by a PS audio P1000 Power plant. The signal cables used are Revelation Audio Labs. These cables have a very defined, but deep bass. This solves the "plump" sound that Hooper heard. I also rest the Reimyo on a Black Diamond Racing Source Shelf with BDR cones under that. This is the game we audiophiles play to get the sound we are looking for. Also, I have a Levinson 32 preamp which is very forgiving at the high end. My system pictures are on Audio Asylum under "Mercman". At this point, I no longer look for the "best", but what makes me happy. I have never enjoyed my system as much as I do now.


The use of the Harmonix Studio Master AC cable is a must with the Reimyo. This cable sounds like it rolls off the high end on my other components, but sounds just right with the Reimyo. Another example of audiophile BS.


The strange thing is that I DID audition the Reimyo with the Studio Master cord. I used other cords, including the Shunyata Anaconda Vx, and the Studio Master clearly worked best. Still, it didn't change my overall opinion of the player. That said, it's an outstanding unit.
The Reimyo does even better resolution with Crystal Cable Power Cord than with the Studio Master. Some users have found the Reimyo is full bodied, so it does well with more articulate gear and does not need more warmth. Where the other gear is a bit lean or very transparent some would prefer the Studio Master.