best CD player for you:Reimyo,P8i,AA,Esoteric x01.

I own the following system:Avalon eidolon, connoisseur preamp, Halcro DM68,and EMM labs combo, and as I don´t use the EMM labs as SACD, I want to buy a new one box only CD player.
I´m thinking on the followings posibilities:

Esoteric x-01, Lindemann 820 and DCS P8i these also let me to hear SACD
Reimyo and AA capitole as only CD players

The true is that I´m not convinced with the sound of the EMM labs playing CD´s, my feel is that the sound is a little cool and sterile, this with the Avalon and DM 68 makes that the sound is not what I want, said this I´m looking for a little more warm sound, but as I can´t hear the Reimyo I ask you this question. Thanks to all for your reply.
Hi. I´ve owned a modded AA Capitole MK II and found it very pleasing - only weakness: it did not play DVD/SACD otherwise I would have kept it.
MY TIP: I just bought a DV-50 S to go the full Reference Audio Upgrade path. I´ve once listened to such a machine and it blew away any redbook player we threw against it (AA Capitole, UX-1, 861SE, Linn CD 12, DP-67, C-5xe).
through all these very nice thoughts and opinions I would like also to say that Lindemann is also an extraordinary player.
For anyone interesting in reading what an X-01 Limited can do, I have just posted a relatively detailed listening comparison of the Shunyata Anaconda Helix Alpha and Anaconda Helix VX on a thread entitled "A Tale Of Two. . . Anacondas (Helix)". You will find it at:
For the comparison Babybear and I connected the Anacondas to the X-01 Limited in his system.