Moving to France

We are planning a move to France fairly soon. Does anyone know the best way to cleanly transform the 240v european voltage down to 117 without a bunch of hum?

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nonoise6,267 postsIsn’t it awful how mc just vomits his bogus talking points at the drop of a beret?

Each post speaks volumes of the state of being miserable in one’s own skin and the distorted perspective that goes with it. That world, I can guarantee, is one where the suffering goes unrecognized because it’s the water he's swimming in. What a burden. What tedium.
Hum is caused by earth loops not transformers, unless your cables are not properly shielded. Otherwise, you have no worries.

Some manufacturers have multiple voltage support in their devices.  If that is the case, you are in luck, otherwise....get a transformer and do NOT skimp on it unless you want a fire in your house, get the best (US made, not Chinese).  Get one at least 1.5 times your maximum need.

I once heard that wearing a shirt that has some reference to CA gets one treated in a civil or better fashion.....take one and test...

What part/locale?  If Paris, practice 'driving' with Grand Theft Auto 6...

"The fender you save may be your own (leased vehicle)..." ;)