"Sam here and the point is the record companies sony, warner, umg, are owned by the same people that own all the other media outlets and the parent companies are the same with the same agenda like the bill and melida foundation for population control"
You're right to criticize monopolies, but it seems you don't have any handle at all on where to draw a line between the credible and the farcical. There is a consensual reality, what is generally agreed upon by reasonable persons across cultures, as real experience. This also has a boundary. The farther from this boundary you go, the hazier, more flimsy and less useful things become. There is what is called reality testing or how we generally recognize the line between real and unreal. There is also what we call proof. Of course you can't have proof for everything, and this is where critical thinking and judgement come in. It prevents a person from becoming bogged down and mired in endless suspicion and theorizing on bad intentions and outcomes. Based on the things you say in your posts, it seems your bearings are off a bit. You appear overly primed to see what is not there. Granted, if you see bad motives and conspiracy everywhere, you're bound to be right somewhere, but data, intellect and judgement should stop you from seeing bad motives and conspiracy everywhere. The world is out of balance, but it's simply not as unstable as you make it out to be.
You're right to criticize monopolies, but it seems you don't have any handle at all on where to draw a line between the credible and the farcical. There is a consensual reality, what is generally agreed upon by reasonable persons across cultures, as real experience. This also has a boundary. The farther from this boundary you go, the hazier, more flimsy and less useful things become. There is what is called reality testing or how we generally recognize the line between real and unreal. There is also what we call proof. Of course you can't have proof for everything, and this is where critical thinking and judgement come in. It prevents a person from becoming bogged down and mired in endless suspicion and theorizing on bad intentions and outcomes. Based on the things you say in your posts, it seems your bearings are off a bit. You appear overly primed to see what is not there. Granted, if you see bad motives and conspiracy everywhere, you're bound to be right somewhere, but data, intellect and judgement should stop you from seeing bad motives and conspiracy everywhere. The world is out of balance, but it's simply not as unstable as you make it out to be.