Solitary listener

With this pandemic it’s difficult to get anyone to come over to share your audio system with.
No matter how good it sounds, there’s no one to enjoy it with you and confirm your good feelings.
Hopefully the situation will get better soon.
There will be no virus after November 3rd....and solitary listening is the best. Who cares or needs others to embolden you. I know what sounds good and what sounds like crap.
There is so much that could be said but none of it would be audio related or help this thread in any way , shape or form so i will zip it... lol.

As far as the solitary listening, that has been something I am very used to as the wife has zero interest in sharing even if I played "her" music.
So I get all excited over improved sound mostly for my own satisfaction.

I do have one good friend in the locality and we do share listening experiences based on changes so that is actually a very nice event.

In fact I am due to go over and listen to his new music server hopefully later today.