When to Poweroff amps and preamps

I apologize if this has been asked before but I haven’t been able to find it.  What is recommended for when to turn off the power to amplifiers and preamps?  What if you’re going to be using the equipment within a day or so...power it off completely, put it on sleep if that’s available, leave it on?  What if you’re not going to use  it for a longer time...a couple of days?  A week?  Are there different recommendations for solid state and tube equipment? I’m interested in both getting the best sound and prolonging the equipment life. 
Solid state, leave on 24/7. Tubes, turn on to warm up 5-20 minutes, turn off when done. Hybrid (DACs that think a tube will make digital listenable) no tube on Earth can do that but hopefully the tubes are cheap because being digital absolutely must be left on.

This is both for sound quality AND longevity. The greatest wear factor with SS is thermal, which is reduced by leaving on. The greatest wear factor with tubes is being on, which is reduced by turning off.

So the moral of the story: buy tubes, buy analog, turn off when done.
MC your priceless, what are you gonna do if you ever hear a Reel to Reel you like. They are easy to like too, I mean REALLY like.. :-) Just sayin'

I'd just like to add, there are a few, SS power amps, you want to shut off.
Class A  SS gear will just run to hot to leave on...Class AB older amps can run on the hot side. It depends on a few things.

Bias setting for one, when idling..It can make a BIG difference, there is a trick or two, to be able to leave the older AB stuff, on.. (for a while)
I have Adcom gear, in one of the shops. LOOK out.. when they are warmed up..VERY good gear if you know what your doing..VERY bad if you don't. Speaker blowing baster$s, if your not careful.

I turn THAT setup off.

UNLESS it's Class Ds, some Gs, or has a stand by, and is a power amp, OFF.

MC did say digital, BUT SS and digital, aren't exclusive. I know what he means. BUT there are THOSE, that will pick it apart.

Ncore amp modules (on), and my current  Mac gear (stand by), I leave on.

Soon though, my C2500 will be fixed, BUT it is both DAC and valves, it gets turned OFF.

The fall/winter/spring, monitor amps will be swapped for valves, (I can hardly wait). ALL the stuff currently stays ON, Three weeks or so, OFF

 Anything with tubes (valves) gets turned off. It's just not safe..

Now that I'm thoroughly, confused, I'll go in the shop and warm up the C20, MC240 (all valves) and a class d Behringer 12K, about 10 minutes of play time... It's a Class D, BUT I disconnected 2 of the three fans and put the last one on a flipper switch. QUIET, at 2 AM, wonderful. I get CLEANER power too. 2-4:30 or so..

Time for the morning walk...and feed the rabbit (Junior)

I'm learning from this post, so will just add to @brownsf question:

If solid state gear is left on, is it best to disengage the speakers (either with a speaker switch button or with a mute button)? If there's an electrical hiccup (not a storm) it might protect the speakers... 

Is that a real consideration or am this a worry about nothing?

millercarbon is correct 2 out of 3

disregard his comments on digital, imo he is right on the other items about turnoff for ss and tubes

the mind is a powerful thing, your beliefs can grossly affect what you perceive
The real SS engineers with good ears put in an effective standby circuit, including hybrids with tubes ( see for example Ayre or Vandersteen M7 HPA )

and of course super engineers like Jim White of Aesthetix also know how to engineer a great sounding FPGA DAC With tubes that also has a standby mode. Of course those who are living in 1985 and incapable of forming new impressions will protest. Again glad to be one of “the eighteen “.

heavy - is your MC240 stock ? Mine is 1961 and super modified.... sweet amp for sure