Zu Omen Defs and Ice Amps?

Anyone have the opportunity to audition a pair of Zu Omen Definitions and a Class D or Ice Amp? The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit. If so, please share the make/model of amp and your impressions. So far, I'm considering the King Rex, Trends, Dayton, and Topping amps but I'm sure I've left a few out that might be contenders. Thanks in advance.
>>06-08-11: Glory
All D amps suck<<

That, dear friends, displays not only stupidity but a complete lack of experience.

Audio morons are alive and well in Florida.
I don`t agree that "all" class D amps suck, but they are not ideal for all speaker types(no amp is). I do believe that for Zu speakers in general they`re at their best with good quality low-moderate power tube amps(SET,OTL orpush-pull). Also one of the First Watt amps should work well.
The Class D amps I've heard do indeed suck, but then I wasn't crazy about the Zu Omens either, which a friend owned for about a week. I imagine that the Zus and the Class D amps I've heard would be a marriage made in hell. Audiofeil probably sells others.
Not to take away from this thread's intended question, but to defend Class D amps: if you haven't heard the Spectron Musician III Mk2, please don't rationalize that all Class D amps suck.

I chose mine after comparing it to my Karan KA I-180, Burmester 036 and Pass XA30.5.

Audiofeil - I agree. I use small class D Rowland 102 amp with Hyperion HPS-938 speakers (90dB sensitivity). Sound has presence and resolution but also softness and fullness. Bass is punchy and powerful. Instruments sound very natural with great harmonic structure. There are even many better class D amps these days, so it is hard to understand how anybody can toss general statements like that.

Class D amps are very revealing, I'm sure you agree, ruthlessly unmasking any system deficiencies - otherwise it would be hard to understand why others describe similar amp as "ear bleeding", "dry" "thin" etc. while I hear just the opposite - smooth, clean and full sounding.

"The Zu's obviously don't need a lot of power so I'm thinking one of these newer digital amps might be a good fit."

Texas42 - Digital amps are "a lot of power". I often see such statements relating to lower power tube amps and high sensitivity speakers. More power won't hurt but there is a risk of overdamping, as Paul suggested - need to check synergy. It worked for me in spite of 90dB rating.