deep_333, you haven't compared the Moab in your home to anything, and you have the Adante working with subs to make it offer even a passable serious floor standing performance. Further, if you did not compare the speakers with the precise same system, then you have no direct comparison. It appears that you used entirely different gear with the other speakers.
That means you have no direct comparisons; at least that is what can be ascertained from what you have shared. Ergo, you have little to nothing in the way of direct comparison. Consequently, your posts are of little value. The hype combined with sarcasm are trotted out in place of actual experience. Here's a piece of wisdom you need to repeat until it sinks in:
It is ONLY when speakers are compared directly, with the same gear, in the same room, that a reasonable judgment can be made as to the absolute performance of each speaker.
Obviously, when you put $30K of pre/amp ahead of it, a speaker will shine brilliantly, at least as far as its capabilities allow. I have done so many times, but that in no way makes the budget speaker somehow a far superior speaker. I have used the Pass Labs XA200.8 Monos (reviewed for with speakers such as the Tri-Art Audio Series B 5 Open, which, BTW, at about $5K would in several aspects of performance outperform the Adante. That is an absolute fact, not opinion, as the observation is based on design of the speakers, not subjective assessment.
My conclusion is that you have little to no actual comparison of gear, which is why your posts are loaded with hype. The fact is, you have NO clue how the Moab, and little clue how the Adante ACTUALLY would compare; you pretend you know, which means you are full of the hubris that plagues this hobby. Until you get a couple of speakers side by side, you can make all the claims you want - and it's worth just about zero. If you cannot moderate your arrogance, and admit you have far less experience than you pretend, I am finished discussing with you.
To the community: I am making no absolute judgment of the Moab or Adante, as I have not heard them in my room, nor compared them directly to other speakers. That other speakers such as the Tri-Art 5 Open would likely outperform the Adante in terms of bass, i.e. bass extension, and perhaps preference of bass quality due to being open baffle, should be obvious. If not, please do not open an argument over it, because I am not interested in arguing that observation. :)
That means you have no direct comparisons; at least that is what can be ascertained from what you have shared. Ergo, you have little to nothing in the way of direct comparison. Consequently, your posts are of little value. The hype combined with sarcasm are trotted out in place of actual experience. Here's a piece of wisdom you need to repeat until it sinks in:
It is ONLY when speakers are compared directly, with the same gear, in the same room, that a reasonable judgment can be made as to the absolute performance of each speaker.
Obviously, when you put $30K of pre/amp ahead of it, a speaker will shine brilliantly, at least as far as its capabilities allow. I have done so many times, but that in no way makes the budget speaker somehow a far superior speaker. I have used the Pass Labs XA200.8 Monos (reviewed for with speakers such as the Tri-Art Audio Series B 5 Open, which, BTW, at about $5K would in several aspects of performance outperform the Adante. That is an absolute fact, not opinion, as the observation is based on design of the speakers, not subjective assessment.
My conclusion is that you have little to no actual comparison of gear, which is why your posts are loaded with hype. The fact is, you have NO clue how the Moab, and little clue how the Adante ACTUALLY would compare; you pretend you know, which means you are full of the hubris that plagues this hobby. Until you get a couple of speakers side by side, you can make all the claims you want - and it's worth just about zero. If you cannot moderate your arrogance, and admit you have far less experience than you pretend, I am finished discussing with you.
To the community: I am making no absolute judgment of the Moab or Adante, as I have not heard them in my room, nor compared them directly to other speakers. That other speakers such as the Tri-Art 5 Open would likely outperform the Adante in terms of bass, i.e. bass extension, and perhaps preference of bass quality due to being open baffle, should be obvious. If not, please do not open an argument over it, because I am not interested in arguing that observation. :)