Moving to France

We are planning a move to France fairly soon. Does anyone know the best way to cleanly transform the 240v european voltage down to 117 without a bunch of hum?


I live in Vancouver and Seattle is a lovely city. Beautiful scenery and great restaurants.As for France, over the years I have visited all four corners from San Sabastien to Avignon to Bordeaux and Paris. All of them were magical.Truth is France or Seattle, there are toilets everywhere if that is how you travel.


As a Canadian, my suggestion would be to act like a Canadian and then you don't need the shirt.

areed622...*L*  excusez-moi....;)
You have all you need, and then some.  All that's left to say is 'Enjoy!'

tony1954, it would be better if I acted like I was from Montreal, right?
Unfortunately, I'd be from the English-speaking 'side of the tracks', so DOA. *G*
Born 'n bred in SoCal, which is my main excuse. *mock sigh*
Always have had a fascination for 'regional dialects', sayings, pronunciations, etc.
Was informed that CA/SoCal natives DO have a dialect of sorts...

We all sound like we're on or from TV; guess that's what happens when you're raised around them...'vid-speak'...tvtalk....

"...and Now a word (or 1K) from our denouncer...." ;)
"Hi, I'm Darnold Chump, conspiritor of Darnolds' Damaged Democracy...."

...stuff like that....
(A note to the Supervisors:  It's called Ironic Humor, aka Sarcasm, aka MHO.  I'm not attacking Anyone...well, one person, OK...)