What Combinations of Components Have You Put Together That Sound Good?

Please share the components you've put together that are a perfect match, where you have reached a listening pinnacle, so much so that you don't want to stop listening! 
What makes me most proud of sound is the combination of signal amplification equipment and karaoke digital echo. This combination allows to adjust sound effects, cut frequencies, and prevent howling. Much more effective if only using karaoke amply in home karaoke.
I regularly refer to the news and amplifiers here https://khangphudataudio.com/cuc-day-cong-suat
Pass 250.8, Pass XP 10 , Magnepan 3.7.i magnificent sound great detail, refinement and separation.
Funny middlemass, no digital source
Would you care to elaborate as so many others have here, or is that your Geoffkait?

Sweet johnto! Do you run subs?

What am I missing with Iotavx integrated amp with built-in dac (Verastarr power cord) streaming from Qobuz/Phone outputting to Kef 104/2's with Goertz speaker cables?

Wow, this system swings, enjoyable, danceable, modern, only two cables.