
Responses from middlemass

Hipster/Chic "Vinyl" playing machine
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
"Styx opened for Marty Robbins??!!! That’s inspired! Dang, somebody should start a thread about the most unlikely-billed shows they’ve ever gone to.."   I wasn’t there but how about Jimi Hendrix opening for The Monkees?          
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
Beefheart opening for Jethro Tull - 1972 West Palm Beach    
Any piece of equipment you currently dream of ?
Yes, but I always forget what it was as soon as I wake up.  
Movie/film suggestions.
Plan 9 From Outer Space  
Things we cannot be bothered by anymore
+1 @ozzy62   
Is it the gear or the ears?
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out
Never had the opportunity to experience Fritz but Quicksilver is another story...everything Sanders produces is just outstanding by any measure.  
2025 Audio System Wish List Time!
I wish for the mythical Caladans to show up at my front door.  
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
Rega Saturn Mk3  
… "And the government shall be upon his shoulders"
And here we go...  
Audio Fantasies
Literally nobody does that. Nice job, OP. The responses say everything. Troll post of the year!  
What's Up With Jane's Addiction?
Since this is an audio board...fact is, terrible band even in the day. That being said, I fully understand the cash grab and sorry that Perry's addiction is interfering with the nostalgia tour. Hope he gets well.  
VU meters added to Cambridge Audio
Wow. My life is complete.  
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics.
Didn't need YouTube analytics to tell me any of that. Captain Obvious stuff.