Total bass suck out at 40hz

So I'm a little slow, but it occured to me today to see if there were test tones recordings on Tidal of Qobuz. Yes there are. I have a radio shack SPL meter so I went to work playing them to see what I had in my room. I was shocked to find a total lack of audible bass at 40hz. At first I thought they must have made an error in the recording. Then I went to a different set of test tones and wow same thing. I never dreamed something like that would take place. I have read a lot of discussions about bass peaks and nulls and always thought it would just be slightly less in volume at the null, not completely gone. So Am I imagining this and if not what do I do to remedy it. I am apparently missing a lot of music and never knew it. I am currently listening to my freshly refinished Yamaha NS 1000m speakers(just put them in the system Wednesday after work) with a Modwright KWI 200 integrated amp and a Lumin streamer/dac. I also have stereo Rythmik  F12 subs. Thanks, Allen.
Based on the measurement I sent them, REL actually said the solution isn’t more subs, but to get the main speakers positioned correctly.
Thanks for pointing out the Qobuz test tones.  I found it interesting that I can hear my speakers at 20Hz despite they are only spec'd down to 25Hz.  Perhaps that's common.  Apparently 15KHz is the top of my hearing range.
I do have them set up symmetrically I will try that first. I was thinking the swarm is the way to go. Just not sure how to implement more subs with long cable runs. Is 30' of single ended cable on a sub a bad thing? Random is better, this is what I am getting mostly. 
Three EZ yep natural roll off still yields some energy into the room and just as significant load on your amp